of Hope and
Can Transform
An Entire Village
To The Village
they just have the heart to make the world.
a better living place for everyone.
Education for every child in the village
Availing education opportunities to every village child
Where education is a mystery to almost every village child, Kitonzi Village is restoring hope and supporting them to attain a formal education at our community school
We Believe that We can Save More Lives with You
Join Us Today
With partners like you, we believe we can restore hope in Kitonzi Village, one child at a time.
Your prayer support goes a long way as we believe in God from whom all blessings flow and our all time sufficiency.
Our efforts are restoring peace and love in the lives and families of the people we reach. You too can bridge that gap.
Your generosity isn't just a blessing but. apowerful tool that is transforming lives entirely and on a daily.
Fundraising for the people and causes you care about
Latest Causes
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Sponsor A Child
Sponsoring a child at Kitonzi Village has been
General Donations
The day-to-day operations of our village and developments
Lend a helping hand to vulnerable children
Like a pebble thrown into the water creates waves. Kitonzi Village enables hundreds of disadvantaged school children and orphans to have a better future. We give them a new chance. So that in the future they will not be a burden but an example. With security, love, and education many things start with us. And with self-confidence and the strength to stand on their own two feet, these children will leave us one day. As young people who, with help, have managed to turn a spiral of need into a position of opportunity. That is what we are all about.
Volunteers tend to work either in teaching or practical capacities.
Do you want to contribute personally and on site? Do you want to have new experiences and pass on your skills to others? Then volunteering for Kitonzi Children's Village could change your life!
Become A Volunteer
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Meet The Team
the life changers
Baby Class Teacher
Pre-School Teacher
Director of Studies
Overseer & Teacher
Our fingerprints on the lives we touch never fade
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News and updates
Ebola Outbreak in Uganda
As of 15 November 2022, 160 confirmed cases of EVD caused by Sudan ebolavirus including 53 deaths have been reported. An additional 21 probable cases died before samples were obtained